con King NAAT VELIOV & The Original Kočani Orkestar
Al suo fianco in questo progetto King Naat Veliov con la sua Original Kocani Orkestar, la fanfara macedone conosciuta in tutto il mondo per l’impegno nel mantenere viva da generazioni la cultura musicale dei balcani, una cultura prettamente orale, propria della tradizione gitana. Un'esperienza musicale straordinaria che porta con se un pezzo di storia: questa brass band ha visto nella sua formazione ben quattro generazioni di musicisti, il nonno di Naat, suo padre, lui stesso alla direzione della band, ed i suoi figli. Naat Veliov è molto rispettato nella società macedone, ha discepoli che arrivano a Kocani da tutto il mondo per rendere omaggio al grande maestro della tromba e conoscere da lui le tradizioni musicali balcaniche.
Due amanti della tradizione quindi, legati alle proprie terre, che mettono in scena uno spettacolo di ritmi e melodie meticcie nate dalla combinazione tra Oriente ed Occidente, provenienti da suoni puri, autentici. |
Enzo Avitabile riconferma la sua attrazione per la contaminazione e la sperimentazione con un nuovo ed inedito progetto: Enzo Avitabile con King Naat Veliov & the original Kocani Orkestar.
La carriera di Avitabile copre oltre trent’anni di ricerca delle radici della propria terra e della sua musica: compositore, sassofonista, cantante partenopeo, mescola costantemente tradizione ed innovazione, ritmi del mondo con i ritmi del Sud Italia, con risultati originali ed assolutamente contemporanei. Da bambino, Avitabile ha studiato il sassofono; da adolescente si esibito nei club napoletani affollati dai clienti americani. Quindi si è diplomato nella disciplina del flauto a S. Pietro a Majella e ha iniziato a collaborare con artisti pop e rock di tutto il mondo, da James Brown a Tina Turner, ma muovendosi sempre sotto un cielo assolutamente personale, mai comune. |
ENG. Enzo Avitabile reconfirms his attraction for the contamination and experimenting with a new and inedited project: Enzo Avitabile with King Naat Veliov & the original Kocani Orkestar. Avitabile’s career covers over thirty years of researches about the roots of his homeland and its music: composer, saxophonist, Naples singer, blending traditions and innovations, world rhythms with the rhythms of southern Italy, with original results and absolutely contemporary.
As a child, Avitabile studied the saxophone; as a teenager he performed in Neapolitans clubs, crowds by American customers. He graduated in the discipline of flute in S. Pietro a Majella, and began collaborations with pop and rock artists from over the world, from James Brown to Tina Turner, but always moving in a personal style, never ordinary.
At his side in this project King Naat Veliov with his Original Kocani Orkestar, the Macedonian fanfare known throughout the world for its commitment to keep alive the musical culture of the Balkans for generations, a purely oral culture, own of their gipsy tradition, an extraordinary musical experience that tells about a piece of history (this brass band saw in its formation four generations of musicians).
Naat Veliov is highly respected in the Macedonian society, has followers who arrive in Kocani from all over the world to pay homage to the great master of the trumpet, and learn from him the musical traditions of the Balkans.
Two lovers of tradition, tied to their lands, which stages a show of rhythms and melodies born from the mix of East and West, from pure and authentic sounds.
As a child, Avitabile studied the saxophone; as a teenager he performed in Neapolitans clubs, crowds by American customers. He graduated in the discipline of flute in S. Pietro a Majella, and began collaborations with pop and rock artists from over the world, from James Brown to Tina Turner, but always moving in a personal style, never ordinary.
At his side in this project King Naat Veliov with his Original Kocani Orkestar, the Macedonian fanfare known throughout the world for its commitment to keep alive the musical culture of the Balkans for generations, a purely oral culture, own of their gipsy tradition, an extraordinary musical experience that tells about a piece of history (this brass band saw in its formation four generations of musicians).
Naat Veliov is highly respected in the Macedonian society, has followers who arrive in Kocani from all over the world to pay homage to the great master of the trumpet, and learn from him the musical traditions of the Balkans.
Two lovers of tradition, tied to their lands, which stages a show of rhythms and melodies born from the mix of East and West, from pure and authentic sounds.
FRAME EVOLUTION di Paolo Sgevano
Corso Matteotti, 67 – 36071 – Arzignano (VI)
Mobile +39 348 3046782 – P.IVA 03583220243
Corso Matteotti, 67 – 36071 – Arzignano (VI)
Mobile +39 348 3046782 – P.IVA 03583220243